Introduction in
Starting to code at a younger age opens your mind to ‘problem solving’ thinking. Children can enjoy our lessons and create their own playable and sharable games, solve fun puzzles and learn how to code at the same time. ‘Scratch’ is a graphical programming language developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Media Lab. On this course we’ll use ‘Scratch’ to create games using interactive stories, animations, music, art and more. It is an excellent place to begin if you are interested in learning code. Instead of typing lines of text, as you do with traditional coding, you drag coloured blocks and join them together to build programs. So if you’ve always wanted to create your own game or you’ve been thinking of a simple project that you want to develop then join this course today.
Have you got your own idea for a new game or do you just like making them? It all begins with your story. Join us as we learn how to create your own unique games in Scratch. You will also learn how to create your very own story-telling `Sprite’ in this wonderful introduction to coding.
Now that we understand the fundamentals of coding, we can begin learning about the essential coding techniques used by professional programmers every day. To begin understanding computers we need to know how computers “think”. What instructions do we give to a `Sprite’ to make it move? Find out this and more in this lesson.
Did you know you can draw code as well? We can draw anything in Scratch by moving our Sprite and instructing them where to move. Coding allows us to express ourselves in many different ways and creating artworks is simply one of many. Are you ready to become the next Picasso? Find out how creative you can be while you code.
I have loved each one and have advanced hugely in my photographic abilities.
The information is stunningly laid out and the instructors are clear and very interactive.
The whole lesson (all of them) is very interactive.
Amazing courses! Great people! Love the learning environment!
Really enjoyed it and loving the support